It has been decided to suspend all church services for the time being due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Listed below are access links that will be available regarding acapella singing and Lord's Supper Devotionals. In addition, Rodney will also have his Wednesday Night Class as well as his Sunday morning sermons there each week for you to access and be able to worship at home. These messages will be available prior to the normal service times each week. His messages will also be available via Facebook Live on the Facebook SVCC members page. If anyone needs individual communion cups there is a box in the foyer at the building where you may pick these up after you have either washed your hands or sanitized your hands. If you would like to have some individual communion cups delivered to you please contact one of the members of the Titus Team: Doug Birdsong, James McIntyre, or Rodney Nulph and we will make sure we deliver these to you in a sanitary way. God bless you all as we work in a spirit of love and unity to get through the COVID-19 Pandemic together.



RODNEY’S WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE CLASS AND SUNDAY MORNING SERMON and the LORD’S SUPPER DEVOTIONAL by one of the men of our church family (Prior to the normal start time of these services, i.e. Sunday morning 10:00 a.m. and Wednesday evening 7:00 p.m., may be accessed via the SVCC Church of Christ Members Facebook page or via the following You Tube Link:

In addition, the latest sermon from our congregation will be posted as soon as possible along with notes (i.e. NOT LIVE) at